Sunday, September 24, 2006

Christmas Orders

Normally, beginning the first week of October up to Christmas is when I wish that I had an extra pair of hands to paint my table sets! I go from August and September being my worst time of year due to summertime and back to school, to October-December being my busiest time. I normally list 3 table sets for sale on Ebay at a time, but I also sell outside of Ebay as well. If you would like to purchase a table set for Christmas or anytime before then, please feel free to contact me for a timeline of when your artwork will be ready. I generally tend to be alot faster than I give myself time for, but I think it's just because I love seeing what comes out once I start to work on a piece. I love knowing that alot of times I'm creating a present that a child will grow up remembering. That special place where a child got to eat supper, a place to sit and do his or her own artwork. Their own little customized space in this world!


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